Collage Michele Sommer-Shapiro
In my work I strive to create one-of-a-kind narratives that address the wide range of forces that govern our lives: birth, death, time, cycles, blessings, secrets, mysteries, and fate. Poetry, Literature, Dreams, the Past, and Spiritual Forces provide infinite windows into the human experience. Recently I have been celebrating the struggles, triumphs, and beauty of the female experience using the medium of collage. I hope by sharing my work the viewer can draw their own conclusions.
“I love the way the faces seem as though they are not there, but upon closer examination they are suggested exquisitely. All the ragged symbolism is puzzled together into high fashion” critical review...
Mixed Media ribbon pearl hens antique wooden shoe nails dress patterns magazine fragments
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Magazine fragments dress patterns wick bottoms velvet film negatives wrapping paper glass diamond
Mixed Media tea bags lace candle wick bottoms rice paper diamond gem sequins ebony glass beads antique wooden shoe nails magazine fragments
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Mixed Media cactus thorns dress patterns cicada wings netting various papers magazine fragments
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Mixed Media dress patterns wrapping paper lace recycled greeting cards dress magazine fragments
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Mixed Media map of Wyoming ribbon antique wooden shoe nails candle wick bottoms cicada wings jewelry bezel
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Mixed Media feathers dress patterns cactus thorns film negatives wood shavings magazine fragments
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Mixed media teabags cicada wings foil black netting magazine fragments jewelry bezel feathers
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